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After the summer break, we invite you to be refreshed through prayer and reflection at our one day retreat, Wellspring. It takes place on Saturday, 8th September 2018, in St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey. During the day participants are invited to be nurtured in silence, to engage with healing prayer, Scripture and mindfulness. St Patrick’s Church is not far […]

Loving the enemy – a way of healing our attitudes

“Loving our enemies is the core of the Christian message and the challenge that Jesus presents us. If we want to know what Jesus is about, and what following Jesus is about, then the call to love our enemies is as close to the center as we can get.” Henri J. M. Nouwen Jesus left […]

Christ Church Cathedral welcomes refugees and asylum-seekers

‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’—these words of Jesus may be familiar to us, yet like so much of what Jesus had to say, it can be a challenge putting the teaching into practice. To welcome, to make space for another, in particular a stranger, is not always easy. It may mean reprioritising […]

Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer – Annual Retreats

The Fellowship of Contemplative prayer is offering two silent retreats in June and you are warmly invited to attend either of them. Weekend Retreat: Friday 15th – Sunday 17th June 2018 Midweek Retreat: Monday 18th – Wednesday 20th June 2018 Venue: Dromantine Retreat  & Conference Centre, Dromantine, Newry, Co. Down BT34 1RH Cost: £140 Facilitator:  Catherine Older Places must […]


We are offering Wellspring on Saturday, 19th May 2018. Our venue is the beautiful and prayerful St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey, not far from the Bullock Harbour. During the day participants are invited to be nurtured in silence, to engage with healing prayer, Scripture and mindfulness. There will be time to walk outside; to participate in guided […]

Decluttering and mental health

We are in time of the year when some people do ‘spring cleaning’. Not just in Ireland, but in other parts of the world too, this winter was prolonged and we are looking forward to the days turning more spring-like. Weather can affect our mood so finding activities that give us energy may help while […]

Prayer for young people

Dear God, guide and protect us from the anxieties and distractions that are ever present in the world today. Be with us as we experience life’s challenges. Show us Your Presence when we encounter both sickness and healing, loneliness and friendship, failure and success, sorrow and joy. Gracious God, give us the courage and strength […]

Prayer for those who are homeless

Oh God of mercy and compassion, give us grace to live life with an open heart; to notice people as we walk around town. Awake us to the wonder of life hidden in those without home who live on the streets and often feel so alone. Help us Jesus to be more like You, who […]

A Healing Tree

St. James’s Church, Castledermot, is situated on the site of monastery founded around the year 800 by the father of St. Diarmuid and is an active church in West Glendalough Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough, Church of Ireland. Dean Philip Knowles, Priest in Charge encouraged the parishioners of the group of parishes of Narraghmore, Timolin, […]