A reflection on wilderness places, and meditative prayer
Lydia says: It’s 1 hour and 20 minutes long, but I would encourage you to carve out some time to listen and rest and wonder about God’s love and provision in the wilderness places.

Lydia says: It’s 1 hour and 20 minutes long, but I would encourage you to carve out some time to listen and rest and wonder about God’s love and provision in the wilderness places.
We are thrilled to let you know that Under the Tree is back, for one day only!
Join us on Friday 22nd for a lunchtime pause to reconnect with nature, self, others and God, who holds it all together in His hands.
Location: The old orchard & the chapel, 96 Rathmines Road Upper, D06 Y684 Dublin 6
At Under the Tree we come together to nourish body, mind, soul & relationship. We take an intentional pause to eat, to rest, to notice the beauty of nature, to laugh, to wonder and to remember the gift of our breath and of the present moment. In this pause, we learn more about who we are and whose we are.
The session takes place outdoors in a garden space and includes mindful and meditative practices to support us to be in the moment and and an interactive Bible study that creates a safe space to wonder about who God is and who we are in His eyes.
Photo by Mihály Köles on Unsplash
In this session people will be invited to bring a small lunch and a hot drink. Some other foods will be prepared together as part of the session.
People are invited to bring a camping chair, a throw for your legs and a Bible and notebook (but we have spare chairs, throws and Bibles if you need them – just get in touch lydia.cmhi@gmail.com)
The sessions are facilitated by Dr Julie McKinley of the National Bible Society of Ireland and Lydia Monds of the Ministry of Healing: Ireland.
Reserve a place and make a donation to support the event at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/under-the-tree-nature-connection-bible-study-session-tickets-862913817457?
It’s called “Finding God in the in-between places,” and takes place on March 2nd, 10.30am – 3pm in Newcastle parish centre, Church Lane, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow, A63 X782. The Quiet Day will be a gentle, reflective and experiential time to intentionally rest in the Presence of God.
We all experience times of living between an ending and a ‘not yet’, …like tentative new Spring shoots emerging from the stagnancy and decay of Winter. How can we hold such endings and new beginnings together? Most importantly, how can we invite God to hold these de-stabilising times of endings and beginnings, and in-between spaces, with His compassion and healing?
A lunchtime pause to breathe, to be present and to rest in His Presence – facilitated by Lydia from CMHI and Julie from the National Bible Society of Ireland
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 13:00 – Tue, 19 Dec 2023 14:00 GMT
Join us on Tuesday 12th and Tuesday 19th at 1pm for 45 minutes sessions to bring pause, reflection and restoration.
Lydia will open by facilitating a mindfulness practice to help us pause and notice that God is with us.
Julie will lead us in a scriptural Advent reflection. When we deepen our understanding of God who was and is and is to come, our current reality, no matter how fraught or joyful, can rest in His Presence and we can experience Peace that surpasses understanding.
Lydia will finish with a pause to allow the biblical reflection to go a little deeper so that we continue our day sensing our belonging to God, to ourselves, to each other and to the present moment as a gift of grace.
If you would like to apply to be a member of CMHI, please email catherine@ministryofhealing.ie and ask for more information and an application form! The initial term of membership is 5 years, and we are a company limited by guarantee, which protects members in the unlikely event that CMHI would have to be wound up. Once you send in your form, the membership committee will convene and then we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
We had a very beautiful and joyful service in St Mary’s, Maynooth – and are deeply grateful to Rev Eugene Griffin for his hospitality, and to Mrs Gillian Kingston for preaching.
‘The light shines in the darkness’
John 1:5
Take time apart from the ordinary distractions of everyday life and
Come… Rest…
As one church year ends and a new begins, take time apart to rest in the light
of Christ, to restore you on your journey and help you share his light with others.
‘I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’
John 8:12
(image: Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash)
The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland is delighted to lead this year’s Advent Retreat at the request of the Commission on Ministry. This is the first year that the retreat has been in person since 2019, and the theme has been chosen to reflect this. The retreat takes place in Mount St Anne’s Retreat Centre, Portarlington, Co. Laois, and is open to anyone who needs rest, healing, and quietness at this time of year. It runs from the evening of Thursday 10th November to lunchtime on Saturday 12th, and the cost is €150, which includes accommodation and meals.
Ms Carol Casey is this year’s retreat facilitator. Carol is a diocesan lay reader and a spiritual director. She facilitates quiet days and retreats for the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer and also for Contemplative Outreach Ireland. She is a guest retreat director at Manresa, the Jesuit Centre of Spirituality in Dublin. Carol has been a member of the board of the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland. She helped develop and present the training programme for prayer ministers and both instigated and shared in the running of Wellspring, the one day retreats organised by CMH:I over several years.
Please contact catherine@ministryofhealing.ie to book or with any questions.
CMH:I would like to invite you to our Quiet Day in CITI on Saturday, 25th June 2022 starting at 10.30am & finishing by 4.15pm.
“Songs in the Wilderness” will be led by Dr Julie McKinley, Development Officer for the National Bible Society of Ireland. Julie will explore the idea of wilderness as a place of invitation.
The Venue: CITI, Braemor Park, Newtown Little, Dublin 14, D14 KX24.
Coffee, tea & lunch are included.
Suggested donation for the day is: €25.
If you would like to register your interest, please email iva@ministryofhealing.ie.
All are welcome.
We hope to see you there!
This year is the 90th anniversary of the start of the Church’s Ministry of Healing in Ireland.
To mark the occassion we would like to invite you to CMH:I’s Annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day on Saturday, 21st May 2022 at 3pm in Clontarf parish. The preacher on the day will be Arcbishop Michael Jackson.
During the service there will be an opportunity for prayer ministry and anointing with oil.
Due to the pandemic, it has been a few years since we were able to have our Annula Thanksgiving Service, so we are especially looking forward to welcoming you this year.
We hope you will be able to join us in order to celebrate Christ’s gift of healing with us.
All are welcome!