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Out of the Silence, Alleluia will Rise

At the beginning of our Lenten journey some of us stopped singing Alleluia, from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday; in our churches, at least. Lent reminds us of experiences in life that challenge us, I will call them ‘desert experiences’, through which desert areas of our hearts get exposed too. I think one of the […]

Out of the Silence, Alleluia Will Rise

A Journey through Holy Week Please join us next Tuesday evening in Christ Church Cathedral as we gather ourselves for the sacred journey through Christ’s death towards Resurrection. From 7pm to 9pm, Dr Iva Beranek will lead us in an evening of guided reflection on the mysteries of Holy Week, with space for silence and […]

A Mirror of God’s Love

You are invited to a day of rest, reflection and encouragement in the midst of this Lenten season. Led by our Ministry Facilitator, Dr Iva Beranek, A Mirror of God’s Love is a quiet day inspired by the life of St Patrick and appropriately being held on Saturday, 14th March 2015. The day will begin […]

Watching, Waiting & Walking: A Quiet Day

The Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Committee invite you to a quiet day of reflection led by the Ven Susan Watterson. The Quiet Day will take place on Saturday, 7th March 2015, from 10am to 3pm at The Mageough, Cowper Road, Rathmines. Soup, tea & coffee will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring a […]

Finding health in the midst of illness

We are just at the start of the New Year, which can be a good time to examine what our hopes for the coming year are, and what we learned or gained in the past year. Every ending is a new beginning, so now we have a chance of a new beginning. In Genesis we […]

Communicating Your Vocation in a Changing World

Facilitated by Bishop Richard Henderson and hosted by The Church of Ireland Theological Insitute, this ‘mini-retreat’ is intended for those involved in lay ministry in the Church of Ireland. This includes diocesan and parish readers, lay pastoral assistants and prayer ministers. Designed to allow those who exercise an authorised lay ministry an opportunity to reflect […]

Advent poem

time is drawing near when darkness shall be pierced by a new dawn so there will be stars all over the sky even in the darkest nights Then, when heaven will meet the earth time will go in reverse not to back or forth but within, and eternity will be soaked into the  pores of […]

Silence can be healing

“As the deer longs for running streams, so my soul is longing for you my God” (Psalm 42:1)  Recently I was in America, in Chicago, and a group of us went for a pottery class for my friend’s bachelorette party, which is like a hen party, just a little different. I realised there is something […]

Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Service

The Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Committee for the Church’s Ministry of Healing will hold their annual service on Sunday, 19th October 2014, at 5pm in St Patrick’s, Church, Powerscourt (Enniskerry). Archbishop Michael Jackson will preach at the service and will also commission newly appointed prayer ministers. A reception will follow, and everyone is warmly invited.