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The Power of Presence on Zoom, 27th February 2021

As we enter the season of Lent, we would like to invite you to join us for the Power of Presence, which takes place on Saturday, 27th February 2021 at 11am through Zoom. Facilitators are Carol Casey and Dr Iva Beranek. This session includes a talk on Centering Prayer which will be given by Carol. […]

The Power of Presence on Zoom, 6th February 2021

The Power of Presence via Zoom is an opportunity to find peace, rest and restoration in the midst of worries of life. Our next session will take place on Saturday, 6th February 2021, at 11am. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139: 14). In this session there will be a short talk on Our […]

Online Healing Service, 1st February 2021

We would like to invite you to join us for CMH:I Online Healing Service on the feast of St Brigid, Monday, 1st February 2021 via Facebook live. The service will be led by Rev Lesley Robinson and start at 12noon. You can find our Facebook page here: facebook.com/CMHIreland/.   If you would like us to pray for someone […]

The Power of Presence on Zoom, 16th January 2021

We would like yo invite you to join us in an hour and a half session on Zoom, where we come to be nurtured in God’s presence. The Power of Presence will take place on Saturday, 16th January 2021, at 11am on Zoom. The session includes a talk on Forgiveness. “Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely […]

Online Healing Service, 17th December 2020

CMH:I Online Healing Service this Advent will take place via our Facebook live on Thursday, 17th December 2020 at 12 noon. Rev Lesley Robinson will be the celebrant. You can find our Facebook page here: facebook.com/CMHIreland/.   If you would like us to pray for someone during the service, please send us their first name by […]

Online Healing Service – 12th November

While we again cannot gather in our churches, we can gather virtually and pray together that way. We will have an Online Healing Service on Thursday, 12th November at 12noon via our Facebook live. You can find CMH:I Facebook page here: facebook.com/CMHIreland/. The service will be led by Rev Lesley Robinson, rector of Clontarf and […]

Saviour in Storm

Jesus, Saviour in storm when the waters of the deep are broken up, when the landmarks are washed away or drowned, come to us across the water.

Blessing of Healing

May the Spirit of the Living God, present with us now, heal you of all that harms you in body, mind, or spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen