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Vigil for Peace

The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated to a very worrying degree that we can no longer ignore it. Many of us were at a loss when thinking how to respond. Recently we encouraged everyone to pray for the refugees, trusting that our prayer is effective even when we do not know its direct fruit. In […]

A call to pray for the refugees

“You have to understand, no one would put their children in a boat unless the sea is safer than the land,” wrote the Somali-British poet Warsan Shire in her poem about the refugees leaving their home country. But we are well aware that the sea is not safe.  The refugee crisis has escalated to a […]

The change of seasons

As the autumn sun warms our streets, we are beginning to cross a threshold into another season of the year. Sometimes the external seasons point towards the seasons of our hearts, the internal ones. While we encounter moments of eternity in our daily living, moments when God shows us His presence among us, a lot […]

Writing for Healing Workshop with Maureen Ryan

The Very Rev Maureen Ryan is a priest, writer, psychologist, and experienced workshop leader. The workshop will explore writing as a spiritual discipline that helps us celebrate the sacred ordinary, promoting healing and growth especially in times of loss, illness and distress. During the workshop, we will experience the power of writing together in silence, and […]

A call to contemplative practice

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) In our very vocal and busy culture it can be difficult, if not even countercultural, to dedicate time for silent prayer. It may appear […]


Come to the well. The well is deep. Wellspring is a one-day retreat incorporating Christian mindfulness and biblical reflection, to which all are welcome. It’s a chance to spend some time apart from the noise of the world, to be fully present to yourself and to your communion with God, so that by the end […]

Forgive Us: Confessions of a Compromised Faith

The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland is delighted to welcome Lisa Sharon Harper to speak to us on the subject of forgiveness on Saturday, 6th June 2015. Currently Sojourners’ Senior Director of Mobilising, Ms Harper is a speaker, activist, author, award-winning playwright and poet. Her writing has been featured in The National Civic Review, God’s […]

The encounter with the risen Lord

The Gospel gives us a number of accounts where Jesus meets the disciples after the resurrection. The response of surprise, fear, initial lack of recognition and then subsequent ‘aha! moment’ of recognition are quite common. They did not expect the empty grave, they did not expect to meet Jesus again, not so soon; even though […]

The gift of Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday is one of the most overlooked days in the Christian year. It is a day that teaches that even in death, Jesus is still active doing His deep hidden work of love and redemption. On the other hand, for the disciples it was a day of shattered hopes; none of them understood the […]