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The dark nights of Advent

  “Father in heaven, the day draws near when the glory of your Son will make radiant the night of the waiting world.” Roman Missal In the Northern hemisphere Advent corresponds with the season of Winter, when the days are short and the night is long. Advent reminds us that God comes to us in […]

This Advent look for those in need

The frenzy of Christmas shopping can so occupy some of us that it takes a special effort to think of those for whom this time is not going to be very happy.  As we journey towards Christmas, let us try and remember those who need us to bring the Christ light to them. If someone […]

Writing as an Advent practice

One does not have to have a vocation of a writer in order to taste the healing benefits of writing. It has long been known that keeping a journal helps us to be attentive to the inner movements of our soul and to the deep life learning that each season of life offers us. Life can […]

The power of Presence: God with us

“What would happen in a world like this if Christians were to become very still and quiet, creating oases of silence for people whose ears ache and whose heads hurt from all the noise?” (Barbara Brown Taylor) Join us in DCU as we explore the value of slowing down and tapping into the power of God’s […]


Come to the well. The well is deep. Wellspring is a one-day retreat incorporating Christian mindfulness and biblical reflection, to which all are welcome. It’s a chance to spend some time apart from the noise of the world, to be fully present to yourself and to your communion with God, so that by the end of […]

Lodging of the heart

At the present hour of history we are living in God’s darkness; His face is eclipsed, blacked out in the present tragedy where millions of people are without a home or homeland. What can we do? There is something, as Christians, that we believe we can do, which is important and significant. We can pray, […]

Hungry for Peace

We pray for Refugees. We pray for the 60 million people who are either internally displaced or who have fled their countries because of conflict, persecution or natural disasters. We pray for those living in temporary settlements for years on end, in a state of limbo, their lives on hold, hopelessness chipping away at their […]

November Mini-Retreat

The Church of Ireland Theological Institute’s Lay Training programme is offering a 2-day mini retreat for commissioned lay ministers across the Church of Ireland. This includes commissioned prayer ministers and lay pastoral assistants, as well as lay readers. This retreat will offer reflections upon our encounters with and responses to human suffering and will be […]

Prayer Stations at the Vigil for Peace

“There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of people that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes.” (Leo Tolstoy) Earlier this month we held a Vigil for Peace in Christ Church Cathedral. We prayed for […]

Hospitality to angels

  It seems we have made little progress since the 1850s when between 1.5 and 2 million people left Ireland, weighing up their options and deciding that going was better than staying. Many of them also risked their lives on unseaworthy ships. In the letter to the Hebrews we are told “Do not forget to […]