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Compassion card

The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made. Psalm 145:9 Tender and compassionate God, you are our steadfast companion in the joyous times of our lives. When we rejoice, you celebrate with us; when we are anxious and afraid, you offer us a relationship where we can find […]

Father in the darkness of these days

Father, in the darkness of these days may the light of your love enfold me. In my weakness and weariness may the strength of your love support and hold me. In my confusion and anxiety may the peace of your presence calm me. That when the mists of despair finally rise and disperse, I may […]

Hospital card

Sometimes we want to pray, but it can be hard to find the words. Whenever I am afraid I will put my trust in you. Ps 56:3 Almighty God, you know me so well, the secrets of my body and soul. Despite my fear and anxiety, help me to trust in you. Bless the doctors […]

Bereavement Card

During this difficult time, you may find the following prayers and readings to be helpful. There is so much that will never now be spoken, a need to forgive and be forgiven; a need which dwells within the desire to also speak of gratitude, of love and the pain of parting. Breathe your life into […]

Integrating the summer into daily life

The summer may be nearly over but I decided not to be only a visitor this summer and to enter the season as if the quality of my life depended on it. Our everyday life has challenges, so at times we may feel that we need a deeper restoration. Earlier in the year that’s exactly […]

Wellspring, a taste of God’s goodness

Wellspring is our one day retreat and recently we offered another one in St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey. It was a rainy Saturday and as I was looking at the pouring rain through the window I was thinking of the talk I gave that morning about Elijah and the value of silence. When Elijah was at […]


Wellspring, one day silent retreat, has become a regular feature of CMH:I. We are offering it again on Saturday, 27th May 2017. Our venue is the beautiful and prayerful St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey, not far from the Bullock Harbour. During the day you are invited to be nurtured in silence, to engage with Scripture, healing prayer and […]

Annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day

Annual Thanksgiving Service for the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland will be held in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Saturday 17th June at 3 pm, followed by refreshments in the Chapter Room at 4pm. This is a service of Holy Communion. Our celebrant this year is Rev Dr Christine O’Dowd-Smyth, and our preacher is the […]

Talk to someone, if you need to

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come”. And let him who hears say, “Come”. And let him who is thirsty come, let him who desires take the water of life without price. (Rev 22:17) Sometimes we Christians think that we have to hold it all together, that we have to be happy and satisfied because […]

Finding the peace within

Life is often not easy, and I am sure we all struggle with different things from time to time. Life is also beautiful, with moments of connection, growth, learning. Human spirit has a great capacity for exploration and many things about life enrich us, as well as people around us. But in the areas where […]