God With Us: in-person Lenten lunchtime series

In addition to our online Lenten series, “Invitations into Wholeness” (https://ministryofhealing.ie/invitations-into-wholeness-our-new-online-lenten-series/), we have an in-person Lent course in the cosy living room of Egan House, our offices, which are on the grounds of St Michan’s Church in Dublin 7 (D07 X865). Focusing on the theme ‘God with us’, Lydia and Susan Dawson, a chaplain and member of CMHI, will facilitate people to rest in this truth through meditating on scripture and reflecting on what it means in the context in which it was written, for our lives now and for the world.

Sessions are from 1-2pm on Tuesdays, 11th March-1st April. A simple, nourishing, lunch will be available from 12.3-1pm and 2-2.30pm.

Because of space, we need to limit numbers for this series, so please get in touch with me soon if you are planning to come along: lydia.cmhi@gmail.com