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Online Healing Service – 7th May

We will have another Online Healing Service via CMH:I Facebook live. The first one proved to be very meaningful to those who tuned in. You can find our Facebook page here: facebook.com/CMHIreland/. The service will take place on Thursday, 7th May at 12noon.  It will be led by Rev Lesley Robinson. If you would like us to pray […]

Online guided prayer. Praying with a resurrection story – 23rd April

This week on Thursday, 23rd April 2020, we will offer a guided prayer at 11am via Facebook live. We will pray with the Scripture story from John 20 where Mary Magdalene meets Jesus after the resurrection. Praying with the encounters the disciples had with Jesus after the resurrection, helps us to notice how the message of resurrection is relevant […]

Online Healing Service – 16th April

Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland will offer an online Healing Service on Thursday 16th April 2020 at 12noon via CMH:I Facebook live.  You can find our Facebook page here: facebook.com/CMHIreland/ The service will be led by Rev Lesley Robinson. CMH:I has been offering online reflections over the last few weeks – the recordings can be found […]

Online reflections in the Holy Week – 9th & 10th April

This week we will offer two online reflections. On Maundy Thursday, Rev. Lesley Robinson will lead a reflection based on K. A. Austin’s book “The Garden”. There will be a time of reading followed by silent reflection appropriate to the theme of Gethsemane. On Good Friday, Dr Iva Beranek will lead a reflection “How can we prepare […]

Online guided reflection – 2nd April

We have decided to offer an online guided reflection this week as well, on Thursday 2nd April at 3pm via Facebook live. The reflection will be facilitated by Rev Lesley Robinson. Here you can find the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Facebook page. We hope you will join us. Be free to let others know. Keep safe.

Consecrating empathy

One time, after Jesus was busy ministering to people and healing them, He went to a solitary place to pray. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, […]

Online guided meditation with intercessions – 26th March

Thank you to those of you who joined in our online retreat last week. If you missed it, you can listen and pray through the recording, which can be found on the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Facebook page. This week we will offer an online guided meditation with intercessions for the needs in our country & […]

CMH:I online retreat – 19th Marth

We are offering online retreat this Thursday, 19th March, via Facebook live, at 11am to 12noon. Here you can find the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Facebook page. During this time of social distancing, the need to connect with each other still remains. This will be a space to connect with God, the source of all peace. We […]

Gratitude as a Lenten practice

“In 12 years of research, I have never interviewed a single person with the capacity to really experience joy who does not also actively practice gratitude.” Brené Brown Practicing gratitude is simple. It does not requite any special skill, like riding a bicycle for example would. We can write our gratitude notes in a journal […]