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Lent and Well-being: One-minute meditation

Yesterday’s mention of the one-minute vacation led me to this video of the one-minute meditation.  Focusing on our breath not only slows us down, relaxes tensions, and improves circulation, but it also reminds us of God’s immanent presence. It reminds us that we are God-breathed, that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (or Wind […]

Lent and Well-being: Slowing down

Slow me down, Lord. Slow me down! Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind . . . Give me, amid the confusion of my day, the calmness of the everlasting hills.  Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in […]

Lent and Well-being: In the Garden

It’s Friday, and the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and the clouds are puffy. Today is no day to be reading (or writing) long essays or reflections if you can help it. Instead, here are some links to voices and events that have caught my attention, especially as relates to our earthiness and […]

Lent and Well-being: Ash Wednesday

What if we extend this concept of death, and its correlative, life, to our Lenten discipline? What if we ask:

What’s life-reducing, life-distracting, life-sapping in our daily routines? And give that up.

And what’s life-nourishing, life-creating, life-sustaining that’s missing from our daily routines?

And take that up.

Lent and Well-being: Where the good way lies

This year in CMHI, we look at the theme of well-being in body, mind and spirit.   Beginning tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, we take advantage of the Lenten season to ‘stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for [our] souls.’ (Jeremiah 6.16)   Lent may have […]

Quiet Day

All are welcome to attend a Lenten Quiet Day on Saturday, 9th March 2013. Led by Bishop Patrick Rooke, the event will take place at the Mageough Home, Rathmines, from 10am to 3pm. The event is organized by the Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Committee, who will provide soup, tea, and coffee. Attendees are encouraged to […]

Service on RTE Radio 1 Extra

The Revd Daniel Nuzum, chaplain at Cork University Hospital, will be performing the broadcast Service on Sunday, 27 January, at 11:45am on RTE Radio 1 Extra (LW252 & online). The theme will be modern epiphanies and finding God in unexpected places. The service will explore healing, suicide, birth, and hope , featuring the story of Talia, […]

Closing Date for Applications

CMH:  Ireland is now recruiting for a part-time Ministry Facilitator. Closing date for applications is 4th February 2013.   To request a job description and application form, contact the Ministry Co-ordinator, Jessica Stone:   T (o1) 872 7876 E careers@ministryofhealing.ie   Applications should be sent to: BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE CHURCH’S MINISTRY OF HEALING: IRELAND […]

Now Recruiting

The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland wishes to appoint a part-time Ministry Facilitator to develop and grow the Healing Ministry.