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St. Patrick, a missionary of God’s love

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth […]

Tapping into God’s Compassion this Lent

Traditional images for Lent often depict desert or wilderness, but this year, the image I’m carrying with me on the journey to Easter morning is this one, which for me has become a reminder of God’s compassion. Thirteenth century theologian Meister Eckhart said, ‘Whatever God does, the first outburst is always compassion.’ We see this […]

Is Christ divided?

I used to be really enthusiastic about the Week of prayer for Christian unity (18th-25th January), especially in my twenties, I would almost jump for joy at the thought of it. I would not be a Christian had there not been for both Catholics and Protestants who influenced my journey, nor would I be who […]

Ecumenical Healing Service

Join us in an Ecumenical Service of Healing on Sunday, 19th January 2014, as we participate in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service will take place at St Ann’s, Dawson Street, at 3.30pm, and all are most warmly welcome to attend. Enquiries about the ecumenical service can be directed to our Ministry Facilitator, […]

Healing is a journey

Jesus our Healer, we place in your gentle hands those who are sick. Ease their pain, and heal the damage done to them  in body, mind or spirit. Be present to them through the support of friends and in the care of doctors and nurses, and fill them with the warmth of your love now […]

Nurture inner silence to get ready for the Silent Night

Lord, teach me the silence of love, the silence of wisdom, the silence of humility, the silence of faith, the silence that speaks without words. O Saviour, teach me to silence my heart that I may listen to the gentle movement  of the Holy Spirit within me, and sense the depths which are God, today and […]

Remember God’s goodness

Christ, come enter through the door of the past: into the remembered and the forgotten, into the joys and sorrows, into the recording room of memories, into the secret room of sin, into the hidden room of shame, into the mourning room of sorrow, into the bright room of love, into the joyful room of […]

A Service of Loss & Remembrance

A Service of Loss and Remembrance will be held in Drung Church, Drung, Co Cavan on Sunday, 29 December 2013, at 8pm. The preacher will be Bishop Ferran Glenfield. All are welcome to attend.

Light someone else’s inner candle

Grant us a vision, Lord To see what we can achieve To reach out beyond ourselves To share our lives with others To stretch our capabilities To increase our sense of purpose To be aware of where we can help To be sensitive to your Presence To give heed to your constant call.  (David Adam) […]

Let Christ light your inner candle

Light of the world, Enter into the depths of our lives. Come into the dark and hidden places. Walk in the storehouse of our memories. Hear the hidden secrets of the past. Plumb the very depth of our being. Be present through the silent hours, And bring us safely to your glorious light. (David Adam) […]