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An Evening for Suicide Awareness and Prevention

An Evening for Suicide Awareness and Prevention will be held on Tuesday, 11th November 2014, at 7.30pm in the Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmines, Dublin 6. The speaker for the evening is Joan Freeman, Founder and CEO of Pieta House. There is no charge for admission, and all are welcome. This evening is […]

Tuam Quiet Day

Compassion: Seeing with the Heart, a Quiet Day with Dr Iva Beranek, will be held on Saturday, 8th November 2014, in St Mary’s Cathedral, Tuam. Come at 11am for coffee for an 11.15 start. The day will conclude with the Eucharist to finish at 4pm. Coffee, tea and soup will be provided, but participants are […]

Cork Quiet Day

Dr Iva Beranek will lead a Quiet Day on the theme of compassion in St Luke’s Home Education Centre on Saturday,  20th September 2014. This day is especially for those living a life of ministry, including clergy, readers, lay pastoral assistants, chaplains, healthcare works and others whose daily lives require a commitment to compassion. Coffee […]

Healing as ‘homecoming’

“The mystery of God’s love is not that he takes our pains away, but that he first wants to share them with us. Out of this divine solidarity comes new life. Jesus’ being moved in the centre of his being by human pain is indeed a movement toward new life.” (Henri Nouwen)  If we look […]

Annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day

You are warmly invited to our annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day, this year held in St Michan’s Church, at 3.30pm on Sunday, 22 June 2014. This is a Service of Wholeness & Healing with Holy Communion, and there will be an opportunity for prayer ministry with the laying on of hands and anointing with […]

A soothing summer touch

Spring has turned into the summer, with summer showers still watering the flowers that blossomed earlier in the year; there are no more bare trees. Yet summer is not only sunshine, May blossoms and long bright nights, with occasional shooting star. Summer still has shadows too. In some places unlike Ireland the heat can consume […]

Lenten Reflection: A Compassionate Triduum

As we embark on these three holy days of Jesus’ betrayal, death & resurrection, we participate in God’s compassion in the most literal sense, “suffering with” Jesus and those who loved him. Tonight, as we join Jesus and his disciples on the evening before his death, we note the tenderness with which Jesus washes our […]

Lenten Reflection: Compassion as Slowing Down

Lydia is the Education Advisor for Bishops’ Appeal.  She wrote this piece as a spark piece, effectively ignited by a reflection given by Jessica Stone from the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland on tapping into God’ infinite reservoir of compassion.  The result has been a joint Lenten reflection series on the theme of Compassion. Research […]

What is blossoming in your life this Spring?

Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries, And daub their natural faces unaware. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning) Everywhere around us flowers are blossoming, trees are blooming, birds are singing, the whole of creation carries a […]

Lenten Reflection: Compassion as De-framing

Lydia is the Education Adviser for the Bishops’ Appeal.  She explores the theme of compassion in this the second reflection of the joint Lenten Series between Bishops’ Appeal and the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland. Knowledge is Power.  This famous saying first attributed to Sir Francis Bacon has been unpacked and analysed from a multitude […]