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Prayer for those who are homeless

Oh God of mercy and compassion,  give us grace to live life with an open heart; to notice people as we walk around town. Awake us to the wonder of life hidden in those without home who live on the streets and often feel so alone. Help us Jesus to be more like you, who […]

Taking charge of stress

“Somehow, we’ll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be. But for now, we simply have to be satisfied with who we are.”  (Brandon Sanderson) Perhaps you have a balanced life, some people do, with enough rest, enough play and interaction with family and friends, healthy life-style, and […]

The light of Christ

I was reading recently about light and shade. Light is always seen as positive and good, shade or shadows are metaphorically given a negative meaning – thought of as darkness, cold, fear and suffering. We speak, for example, of living in someone’s shadow, of life being overshadowed by some tragedy or disaster, or of facing the shadow of death. But […]

Breathing in God

In the beginning of time, “the Spirit of God was moving over the surface” of the earth (Genesis 1:2), as if blessing everything God was going to create, even before it came into being. God’s breath, ‘Ruah’, which is another word for the Spirit, is creative. God creates as He breathes; He creates life, He […]


Come to the well. The well is deep. Wellspring is a one-day retreat, offering some time apart: to be nurtured in silence; to engage with Scripture, healing prayer & mindfulness; to walk outside or snooze; to participate in guided reflections; to avail of one-to-one discussion with a spiritual director; or just take time to read. […]

Christ is Risen, Alleluia!

“God, give us eyes to see the beauty of the Spring, And to behold Your majesty in every living thing – And may we see in lacy leaves and every budding flower The Hand that rules the universe with gentleness and power – And may this Easter grandeur that Spring lavishly imparts Awaken faded flowers […]

Annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day

You are most welcome to join us at our Annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day, this year held in St Michan’s Church, at 3.00pm on Saturday, 16th April 2016.  This is a Service of Wholeness & Healing with Holy Communion, and there will be an opportunity for prayer ministry with the laying on of hands and […]

Restoring the broken

I had a broken pot that I decided to repair. Actually, I broke it myself during a talk I was giving in order to illustrate our brokenness. Sometimes life breaks us, either through our own unwise choices, but most of the time through things that happen to us over which we have no control. At […]


Come to the well. The well is deep. Wellspring is a one-day retreat incorporating Christian mindfulness and biblical reflection, to which all are welcome. It is a chance to spend some time apart from the noise of the world, to be fully present to yourself and to your communion with God, so that by the end […]

Jesus was not born in a cozy place

“In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the […]