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Our one-day silent retreat, Wellspring, is coming up again on 25th March 2017. In a beautiful setting of St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey, you will be invited to be nurtured in silence; to engage with Scripture, healing prayer and mindfulness. There will be time to walk outside or snooze; to participate in guided reflections; to avail of […]

New Chair of Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland appointed

The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland (CMH:I) promotes the centrality of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ in the Church of Ireland. Based at Egan House, St Michan’s Church Dublin, CMH:I serves the whole Church of Ireland.  CMH:I is led by a board of directors and its day-to-day ministry is served by Dr Iva Beranek […]

The Power of Presence

This is a presentation on simple prayer practices which help to bring peace and healing in our daily lives, by connecting us to God. You will learn how  focusing on breathing, practicing gratitude and using an anchor-word can be enriching, though easy to use. Dr Iva Beranek will speak about the Power of Presence on Tuesday, 14th March 2017 at 2pm. […]

The Power of Presence

We are offering a presentation on simple prayer practices which help to bring peace and healing in our daily lives, by connecting us to God. You will learn how gratitude, focusing on breathing and using an anchor-word can be enriching, though easy to use. We will also address one of the ways of dealing with our more challenging […]

St Brigid, when winter turns into spring

Today in Ireland we celebrate St Brigid’s day, which is also known as the first day of spring. Brigid lived in the 5th century, and from early age was known to care for those in need. The accounts of her life are full of stories where she helps the poor as well as miraculous stories […]

Advent, when Christ comes

Every year I see Advent somewhat differently. Partly it is because seasons of the liturgical year as well as prayer itself inform our life, and our life changes from year to year. Traditionally Advent is a preparation for Christmas, so it is always good to try and create intentional space where we will encounter God […]

Some lessons from Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit

Ireland’s first ever Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit took place in Aviva on 14th October. We had a stand on the day, alongside other organisations promoting health and wellbeing from different perspectives, mostly medical and psychological. We were the only organisation coming from a Church background with a spirituality based approach. The room we were […]


Come to the well. The well is deep. Wellspring is a one-day retreat, offering some time apart: to be nurtured in silence; to engage with Scripture, healing prayer and mindfulness; to walk outside or snooze; to participate in guided reflections; to avail of one-to-one discussion with a spiritual director; or just take time to read. […]


Come to the well. The well is deep. Wellspring is a one-day retreat, offering some time apart: to be nurtured in silence; to engage with Scripture, healing prayer and mindfulness; to walk outside or snooze; to participate in guided reflections; to avail of one-to-one discussion with a spiritual director; or just take time to read. […]

Reconciliation is a work of healing

Reconciliation is one of those big words that can sometimes overwhelm us and we think it is always alluding to something ‘big’, like reconciliation between the countries or groups of people, but when we unmask it we realise it is a part of our everyday reality. Simply by being human we rub off each other, […]