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D&G ministry of healing Quiet Day, 22nd February

The Dublin & Glendalough Committee invites you to their Quiet Day on Saturday, 22nd February starting at 10.30am. The day will be led by Rev Canon Adrienne Galligan. It takes place in Mageough, Cowper Road, Rathmines. See further information on the flyer. All are most welcome!

Advent – when light makes a difference in the dark

Each Sunday in Advent, we light a candle on our Advent wreath, flickering and shining their light into our churches and homes. As the evenings grow shorter, we can see the candles clearly. They appear brighter and more distinct to us the darker it becomes, and as nighttime falls, they appear quite brilliant in the […]

Grief at a time of Advent

Grief is never easy. But some times of the year it may be amplified. I have friends who recently lost people close to them. It’s hard to see their pain, and yet only by witnessing the pain – ours and someone else’s – will we find healing in it.  Whether the loss was recent or […]

Wellspring, 23rd November, St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey

“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Jesus (John 4:13-14) Our next Wellspring takes place on Saturday, 23rd November 2019, in St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey. Wellspring, one day retreat, has become a regular space […]

“Thy kingdom come” is a prayer for healing

Jesus thought us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is heaven”. In this day-and-age when social media is so prevalent in our lives, the news travels quickly from one part of the world to another. And bad news travels even quicker, or at least it seems that way at times. We don’t even […]


“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Jesus (John 4:13-14) Take some time out for reflection and rest on Saturday 7th September 2019 & come […]

Annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day in Celbridge Parish

We are delighted to invite you to our Annual Thanksgiving Service & Gift Day in Christ Church, Celbridge on Sunday 23rd June at 3.00pm. The Rector, Rev Stephen Neill will celebrate and Hilda Plant, a lay hospital chaplain, will preach. During the service there will be an opportunity for prayer with the laying on of hands […]

Meath & Kildare Diocesan Healing Service

We would like to invite you to Meath & Kildare Diocesan Healing Service, with Bishop Pat Storey and Dean Paul Bogle, in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Trim on Sunday, 9th June 2019 at 6.30pm. Rev Lesley Robinson will preach. The service is part of ‘Mind Yourself’ project, which invites us to look after our mental health. During the […]

Wellspring in Carrigaline, Cork

We are bringing Wellspring, our one day retreat, to Carrigaline parish in Cork. Wellspring is a day of rest, where we have an opportunity to meet God in a more intimate way, as well as get in touch with what is deepest within us.  There will be time to participate in guided reflections; to avail of one-to-one […]