May joy, peace, and hope remain with you this Christmas

Remind yourself that God is near,

And allow small moments of joy to return

For the healing of your heart.

Rev Baden Stanley and Canon Susan Watterson Honoured at AGM

At CMH: Ireland’s AGM on 4th December 2012, two very special people were honoured for their work in the Ministry of Healing.

Chairman’s Welcome

Welcome to the website of the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland. Linked to the Church of Ireland (Anglican), we are a limited company established in 2010 and based at Egan House, St Michan’s Church, Church Street, Dublin 7.   In sending out disciples, Jesus commanded them ‘Heal those who are sick and say the Kingdom […]

The Use Of Oil In The Ministry Of Healing

The use of olive oil was extensive in the Old and New Testaments not only in cooking but also for medicinal purposes and in sacred ritual. Olive oil was considered a precious commodity and used sparingly. Olive trees are native to the Middle East and grow for hundreds of years. In 1 Samuel 16:13 David […]