Prayer is life-giving and also not always easy. God is not ‘socially distant’ so one might think that prayer is to be the same at the time of lockdown, as it was before or as it will be after. But when life changes, often prayer changes as well.
Any authentic prayer will reflect what is going in our life, too.
Over the last number of months we have had to quickly adapt to an online experience of communal worship. Prayer meetings and church services all moved from in-person gatherings to online. While this provided continuity in praying together in a new format, it may have also been overwhelming to a degree. All human interaction moved to online encounters. Now with the easing of restrictions and being able to go to church again, this new phase will bring much needed comfort to some, and will prove to be an additional challenge to others.
If your prayer changed over the last months, or you found it hard to pray, don’t judge yourself for it.
If your prayer carried you through, be grateful. Thank God for it.
If it was somewhere in-between, know you are human and God loves you as you are.
Experiences of fertile valleys and of deserts are both very common in life and in prayer. If you experienced any combination of these during the months of lockdown – take heart.
Where did you find God over the last few months?
For me He seeped into my alone time in the house, like sap drips from the tree giving it life.
“Sap carries important nutrients, water and hormones through the tree that are essential for a healthy plant.” We may judge it as sticky or unpleasant, but for trees it is essential. Trees drip more sap when damaged, when attacked by pests or diseases. At the times of difficulty, perhaps God drips more sap into our lives, by being near through His grace, mercy, love.
What kind of sap did God drip in your life?
Having to incorporate social distancing in our every-day life for now is not natural. Handshake, a hug when meeting a friend, instead of providing human connection have become ‘dangerous’. And yet, we still need them. Grieving these changes will hit some of us harder than others, but allow yourself to grieve if you need to. Bring exactly how you feel to prayer, be real with God in communal worship, in your alone times. Notice what you are grateful for, and where you need healing.
May God drip his healing oil into all aspects of your life. In Isaiah God promises us “the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit” (Isaiah 61:3).
May it be so for us today. Amen
Iva Beranek
Dr Iva Beranek is the Ministry Facilitator for the CMH: Ireland
Online Healing Service – 25th June
You can find our Facebook page here:
It will be led by Rev Lesley Robinson.
You can email or send us a message on Facebook by Wednesday 24th June.
Online guided prayer. Prayerfully reviewing the months of lockdown – 18th June
On Thursday, 18th June at 12noon, we will prayerfully review the last few months of lockdown by praying through the prayer of Examen. This way of praying helps us notice where God was active in our lives.
Dr Iva Beranek, Ministry Facilitator for CMH:I, will lead us through the prayer via CMH:I Facebook live.
Here you can find the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Facebook page.
We hope you will join us. Be free to let others know.
Online guided prayer. Meeting Christ at the well – 11th June
On Thursday, 11th June at 12noon, we will offer online guided prayer via our Facebook live. We will pray with the Scripture from the Gospel of John 4:3-26, where Jesus meets the woman from Samaria.
You can find our Facebook page here:
The prayer will be facilitated by Dr Iva Beranek, Ministry Facilitator for CMH:I.
We hope you can join us.
Prayer at a time of social distancing
Posted on: /in Thoughts /by CMH_Admin2020Prayer is life-giving and also not always easy. God is not ‘socially distant’ so one might think that prayer is to be the same at the time of lockdown, as it was before or as it will be after. But when life changes, often prayer changes as well.
Any authentic prayer will reflect what is going in our life, too.
Over the last number of months we have had to quickly adapt to an online experience of communal worship. Prayer meetings and church services all moved from in-person gatherings to online. While this provided continuity in praying together in a new format, it may have also been overwhelming to a degree. All human interaction moved to online encounters. Now with the easing of restrictions and being able to go to church again, this new phase will bring much needed comfort to some, and will prove to be an additional challenge to others.
If your prayer changed over the last months, or you found it hard to pray, don’t judge yourself for it.
If your prayer carried you through, be grateful. Thank God for it.
If it was somewhere in-between, know you are human and God loves you as you are.
Experiences of fertile valleys and of deserts are both very common in life and in prayer. If you experienced any combination of these during the months of lockdown – take heart.
Where did you find God over the last few months?
For me He seeped into my alone time in the house, like sap drips from the tree giving it life.
“Sap carries important nutrients, water and hormones through the tree that are essential for a healthy plant.” We may judge it as sticky or unpleasant, but for trees it is essential. Trees drip more sap when damaged, when attacked by pests or diseases. At the times of difficulty, perhaps God drips more sap into our lives, by being near through His grace, mercy, love.
What kind of sap did God drip in your life?
Having to incorporate social distancing in our every-day life for now is not natural. Handshake, a hug when meeting a friend, instead of providing human connection have become ‘dangerous’. And yet, we still need them. Grieving these changes will hit some of us harder than others, but allow yourself to grieve if you need to. Bring exactly how you feel to prayer, be real with God in communal worship, in your alone times. Notice what you are grateful for, and where you need healing.
May God drip his healing oil into all aspects of your life. In Isaiah God promises us “the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit” (Isaiah 61:3).
May it be so for us today. Amen
Iva Beranek
Dr Iva Beranek is the Ministry Facilitator for the CMH: Ireland
Online guided prayer in preparation for Pentecost – 28th May
We are offering online guided prayer on Thursday, 28th May at 12noon via our Facebook live. After the resurrection, and before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He told His disciples to stay in Jerusalem and pray. We will pray with that Scripture, as our preparation for Pentecost.
The prayer will be facilitated by Dr Iva Beranek, Ministry Facilitator for CMH:I.
Here you can find the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Facebook page.
We hope you will join us. Be free to let others know.
Online Healing Service – 21st May
on Thursday, 21st May at 12noon. It will be led by Rev Dr Canon Daniel Nuzum.
You can find our Facebook page here: on or before Wednesday 20th May.
Online Healing Service – 7th May
The first one proved to be very meaningful to those who tuned in.
You can find our Facebook page here:
It will be led by Rev Lesley Robinson.
You can email, or send us a message on Facebook by Wednesday 6th May.
Online guided prayer. Praying with a resurrection story – 30th April
This week on Thursday, 30th April 2020, we will offer a guided prayer at 11am via Facebook live.
We will pray with the Scripture where Jesus meets His disciples at the sea of Galilee after the resurrection. Praying with the resurrection scenes helps us to make resurrection real in our lives as well.
The prayer will be facilitated by Dr Iva Beranek, Ministry Facilitator for CMH:I.
Here you can find the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Facebook page.
We hope you will join us. Be free to let others know.
Online guided prayer. Praying with a resurrection story – 23rd April
This week on Thursday, 23rd April 2020, we will offer a guided prayer at 11am via Facebook live.
We will pray with the Scripture story from John 20 where Mary Magdalene meets Jesus after the resurrection. Praying with the encounters the disciples had with Jesus after the resurrection, helps us to notice how the message of resurrection is relevant in our lives now.
The prayer will be facilitated by Dr Iva Beranek, Ministry Facilitator for CMH:I.
Here you can find the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland Facebook page.
We hope you will join us. Be free to let others know.
Online Healing Service – 16th April
Be free to let others know.