Ireland’s first ever Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit took place in Aviva on 14th October. We had a stand on the day, alongside other organisations promoting health and wellbeing from different perspectives, mostly medical and psychological. We were the only organisation coming from a Church background with a spirituality based approach. The room we were in was spacious and well lit, very pleasant and appropriate for the day. We had time both to talk to people who came to our stand, as well as to walk around and learn from others about their work and expertise.
The day had a variety of talks and workshops, and we were able to attend some. A workshop that stands out for me was about building resilience. It was delivered by Dr. Olivia Hurley who took lessons from elite athletes in sport and showed how they can be applied to every day situations. While we may think that athletes don’t struggle, they in fact often do, as do the rest of us. Resilience is useful no matter who we are.
Dr. Hurley explains that resilience is “the ability to persevere and overcome setbacks”. We will all face difficulties in life from time to time, and knowing how to deal with them will help us not to become too overwhelmed. Having the right tools will help us to cope. One lesson we can learn from athletes is to aim for excellence and not perfection, in other words to have the courage to be imperfect. With a lot of unwritten pressure about seeking perfection, this is a great insight.
It was emphasised many times during the day to seek out support, professional and among friends or family. Olivia Hurley suggested to approach our decisions as ‘active choices’, and not sacrifices, and to view setbacks as opportunities for growth. We probably view athletes as those who make a lot of sacrifices, but Hurley said they see it as making an active choice to achieve their aspirations. This attitude is much more healthy and produces better results.
We heard about some struggles that people are facing regarding mental health, and learned of ways to become mentally fit and well. We also learned that self-harm is wide-spread among young adults, which we did not know. What we noticed on the day is that language and how we talk about mental health are also important. The terms used by the speakers were about being ‘mentally fit’ and ‘mentally healthy’ instead of ‘strong’, because more positive language in this area helps in maintaining mental health. It also does not create unreasonable demands on people.
This ties in well with what we do in the ministry of healing. We often speak how listening is healing in itself. Yet, in our work we add another dimension, which is God. Parishes around the country that offer prayer ministry respond to this need for people seeking support. In our presence and through our attitude we can mirror to each other that we are accepted and loved, by each other, and by God. Our initiative the Power of Presence seemed particularly relevant to what we heard on the day. We offer it as a workshop or a talk around the country for any age group, starting with teenagers. In our everyday lives, and beneath the turmoil that life sometimes brings, there is a reality of God, welcoming, loving, healing and supporting us, encouraging us to grow. In the Power of Presence we show simple ways how to tune in to God’s presence with us, in order to draw healing, support, and comfort from it. The language of ‘excellence’ resonates well with spirituality and perhaps becoming mentally fit is what we would call growing more into our true selves.
Iva Beranek
Dr Iva Beranek is the Ministry Facilitator for the CMH: Ireland
Our one-day silent retreat, Wellspring, is coming up again on 25th March 2017. In a beautiful setting of St Patrick’s Church, Dalkey, you will be invited to be nurtured in silence; to engage with Scripture, healing prayer and mindfulness. There will be time to walk outside or snooze; to participate in guided reflections; to avail of one-to-one discussion with a spiritual director; or just take time to read.
This time is for yourself and we will encourage you to use it in a way that serves you best. Silence is often an entry into our heart and it helps us to better listen to the voice of God.
The facilitators for the day are Iva Beranek and Carol Casey. Suggested donation to CMH:I is €25. Please bring your own sandwich for lunch and we will provide tea and coffee. The retreat starts at 9.30am and finishes at 4.00pm.
Please note that places must be booked in advance (hello@ministryofhealing.ie).
New Chair of Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland appointed
Posted on: /in Thoughts /by CMH_Admin2020The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland (CMH:I) promotes the centrality of the healing ministry of Jesus Christ in the Church of Ireland. Based at Egan House, St Michan’s Church Dublin, CMH:I serves the whole Church of Ireland. CMH:I is led by a board of directors and its day-to-day ministry is served by Dr Iva Beranek and supported by Olwyn Cross. In late 2016 the Revd Canon Dr Daniel Nuzum was appointed as Chairman of CMH:I in succession to the Right Revd Patrick Rooke. Daniel is a healthcare chaplain at Cork University Hospital and a priest of the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. Speaking following his appointment Daniel said “I look forward to this new phase in the ministry of CMH:I and to continuing the faithful work of Bishop Rooke. As a team we look forward to serving the whole Church as together we witness to Christ’s healing presence in the world.”
The Power of Presence
This is a presentation on simple prayer practices which help to bring peace and healing in our daily lives, by connecting us to God. You will learn how focusing on breathing, practicing gratitude and using an anchor-word can be enriching, though easy to use.
Dr Iva Beranek will speak about the Power of Presence on Tuesday, 14th March 2017 at 2pm. Venue is the Contemplative Centre on the Student Square beside Teach Fáilte (Student Centre), UL, Limerick.
The presentation is done from a Christian perspective but it is sensitive and gentle, so that people from other traditions, or none, can also participate.
Everyone is welcome.
The Power of Presence
We are offering a presentation on simple prayer practices which help to bring peace and healing in our daily lives, by connecting us to God. You will learn how gratitude, focusing on breathing and using an anchor-word can be enriching, though easy to use. We will also address one of the ways of dealing with our more challenging emotions, and how to bring some relief to them through a so-called Welcoming prayer.
Join Carol Casey and Dr Iva Beranek as they speak about the Power of Presence on Wednesday, 8th March 2017 at 2pm in the Prayer Room at UCC, Cork.
The presentation is done from a Christian perspective but it is sensitive and gentle, so that people from other traditions, or none, can also participate.
Everyone is welcome.
St Brigid, when winter turns into spring
Posted on: /in Thoughts /by CMH_Admin2020Today in Ireland we celebrate St Brigid’s day, which is also known as the first day of spring. Brigid lived in the 5th century, and from early age was known to care for those in need. The accounts of her life are full of stories where she helps the poor as well as miraculous stories of healing. While some of those may be harder to identify with, they can be a source of inspiration as they highlight her care for people’s physical needs, such as food, as well as for their spiritual wellbeing.
In Ireland, our winter this year has not been very harsh nor long, so if you are like me it may seem too soon to think of spring. I prefer to enjoy one season before moving onto the next. But there are also winters of another kind, not the winters of snow and frost and trees that are at rest, but winters of old memories, winters that for whatever reason have left our souls deprived of what is life-giving, winters in which we have to overcome one thing after another instead of enjoy living. Those kinds of winters, whether we had a touch of them or they were prolonged, would welcome spring.
Because of St Brigid’s care for those in need, I recall the beatitudes. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). This is you or me, everyone in fact, when we acknowledge that we need each other, or rather, that we need God. Interior winters have the ability to produce this beatitude within our hearts. This can be our source of compassion and our source of humility, where we learn to love our neighbour as ourselves, in the light of how God loves us.
“Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.”
(Matthew 5:7-9)
St. Brigid was a woman of prayer. Her generosity was nourished through her relationship with God. We can take time to pray with the beatitudes in order to be able to live them more fully. We can take time to offer God our own winters, and winters of those known to us, so that God can heal them. Whether it is out of the concern for the lonely, the refugee, the homeless, our neighbour or even ourselves, our prayer and action are like water poured onto a thirsty plant. They are life-giving, which is a sign of spring. May a new season inhabit where your winter used to dwell, a season of spring which will bring healing to all the areas of your heart, mind and soul in order to make you whole. And may we bring this spring into the world blessing it with God’s goodness.
Happy feast of St Brigid and blessing for the season of Spring!
Iva Beranek
Dr Iva Beranek is the Ministry Facilitator for the CMH: Ireland
Advent, when Christ comes
Posted on: /in Thoughts /by CMH_Admin2020Every year I see Advent somewhat differently. Partly it is because seasons of the liturgical year as well as prayer itself inform our life, and our life changes from year to year. Traditionally Advent is a preparation for Christmas, so it is always good to try and create intentional space where we will encounter God in daily life, and let Him prepare us to celebrate His birthday at Christmas. This can be done by pausing few times a day: becoming aware of God’s presence, we let it sip into our life. It is also useful to spend some time in prayer each day, ten or twenty minutes, even if we need to rearrange our schedule in order to incorporate daily prayer.
The four weeks of Advent also remind us that Christ comes to us every day, in everyday events of our lives. There are areas of our lives where we may need His coming more, where in a way we need God to light our inner candle, similarly like we are lighting the Advent candles. This happens in the intimacy of prayer. When we are alone with God, we enter into the sanctuary of our hearts recognising it as the sacred ground. In that sacred space we can share what we treasure the most with God, we nurture ourselves on His presence, and if we need to, we ask healing for ourselves or others.
“God works as much in the darkness as He does in the light”, says the Rev. Ruth Patterson. Advent affirms this truth. This inner workings of God can sometimes be painful, as He brings His light deeper into our being. But we need to remind ourselves it is for our good. Like childbirth, some things in life are painful, and yet very rewarding.
Whatever joy or sorrow, thanksgiving prayer or prayer of petition is within you heart, know that God listens, He knows your deepest needs. And may this be a truly holy season, the one in which Christ will be born again within your heart.
Iva Beranek
Dr Iva Beranek is the Ministry Facilitator for the CMH: Ireland
Some lessons from Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit
Posted on: /in Thoughts /by CMH_Admin2020Ireland’s first ever Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit took place in Aviva on 14th October. We had a stand on the day, alongside other organisations promoting health and wellbeing from different perspectives, mostly medical and psychological. We were the only organisation coming from a Church background with a spirituality based approach. The room we were in was spacious and well lit, very pleasant and appropriate for the day. We had time both to talk to people who came to our stand, as well as to walk around and learn from others about their work and expertise.
The day had a variety of talks and workshops, and we were able to attend some. A workshop that stands out for me was about building resilience. It was delivered by Dr. Olivia Hurley who took lessons from elite athletes in sport and showed how they can be applied to every day situations. While we may think that athletes don’t struggle, they in fact often do, as do the rest of us. Resilience is useful no matter who we are.
Dr. Hurley explains that resilience is “the ability to persevere and overcome setbacks”. We will all face difficulties in life from time to time, and knowing how to deal with them will help us not to become too overwhelmed. Having the right tools will help us to cope. One lesson we can learn from athletes is to aim for excellence and not perfection, in other words to have the courage to be imperfect. With a lot of unwritten pressure about seeking perfection, this is a great insight.
It was emphasised many times during the day to seek out support, professional and among friends or family. Olivia Hurley suggested to approach our decisions as ‘active choices’, and not sacrifices, and to view setbacks as opportunities for growth. We probably view athletes as those who make a lot of sacrifices, but Hurley said they see it as making an active choice to achieve their aspirations. This attitude is much more healthy and produces better results.
We heard about some struggles that people are facing regarding mental health, and learned of ways to become mentally fit and well. We also learned that self-harm is wide-spread among young adults, which we did not know. What we noticed on the day is that language and how we talk about mental health are also important. The terms used by the speakers were about being ‘mentally fit’ and ‘mentally healthy’ instead of ‘strong’, because more positive language in this area helps in maintaining mental health. It also does not create unreasonable demands on people.
This ties in well with what we do in the ministry of healing. We often speak how listening is healing in itself. Yet, in our work we add another dimension, which is God. Parishes around the country that offer prayer ministry respond to this need for people seeking support. In our presence and through our attitude we can mirror to each other that we are accepted and loved, by each other, and by God. Our initiative the Power of Presence seemed particularly relevant to what we heard on the day. We offer it as a workshop or a talk around the country for any age group, starting with teenagers. In our everyday lives, and beneath the turmoil that life sometimes brings, there is a reality of God, welcoming, loving, healing and supporting us, encouraging us to grow. In the Power of Presence we show simple ways how to tune in to God’s presence with us, in order to draw healing, support, and comfort from it. The language of ‘excellence’ resonates well with spirituality and perhaps becoming mentally fit is what we would call growing more into our true selves.
Iva Beranek
Dr Iva Beranek is the Ministry Facilitator for the CMH: Ireland
Come to the well.
The well is deep.
Wellspring is a one-day retreat, offering some time apart: to be nurtured in silence; to engage with Scripture, healing prayer and mindfulness; to walk outside or snooze; to participate in guided reflections; to avail of one-to-one discussion with a spiritual director; or just take time to read.
We are offering WELLSPRING on a regular basis. The next one is on Saturday, 26th November 2016 from 9.30am to 4.00pm in St Patrick’s Church, Harbour Road, Dalkey. St Patrick’s Church is in a beautiful location, overlooking the sea, a short walk from Bullock Harbour, close to the DART and the town of Dalkey. This Wellspring will take place right before Advent, a season which can be busy for many people, so an invitation to pause and reflect may come to you like a gift.
The facilitators for the day are Iva Beranek and Carol Casey. Suggested donation to CMH:I is €25. Please bring your own sandwich for lunch and we will provide tea and coffee.
Please note that places must be booked in advance (hello@ministryofhealing.ie).
Come to the well.
The well is deep.
Wellspring is a one-day retreat, offering some time apart: to be nurtured in silence; to engage with Scripture, healing prayer and mindfulness; to walk outside or snooze; to participate in guided reflections; to avail of one-to-one discussion with a spiritual director; or just take time to read.
We are offering WELLSPRING on Saturday, 27th August 2016 from 9.30am to 4.00pm in St Patrick’s Church, Harbour Road, Dalkey. St Patrick’s Church is in a lovely location, overlooking the sea, a short walk from Bullock Harbour, close to the DART and the town of Dalkey. This Wellspring is an invitation to pause and reflect at the end of the summer, and to charge our inner batteries before we enter into another busy season.
The facilitators for the day are Iva Beranek and Carol Casey. Suggested donation to CMH:I is €25. Please bring your own sandwich for lunch and we will provide tea and coffee.
Please note that places must be booked in advance(hello@ministryofhealing.ie).
Last chance to book a place is on Thursday 25th August 2016 by 5pm.
Reconciliation is a work of healing
Posted on: /in Thoughts /by CMH_Admin2020Reconciliation is one of those big words that can sometimes overwhelm us and we think it is always alluding to something ‘big’, like reconciliation between the countries or groups of people, but when we unmask it we realise it is a part of our everyday reality. Simply by being human we rub off each other, not always intentionally, and relationships often need to be restored over and over again. Sometimes that is also the way we grow, through interaction with others. Most commonly reconciliation means ‘restoring broken relationships’.
While there is this external reality of befriending those around us, there is also an inner reality of befriending the estranged parts of our inner being, and when we manage to embark on this inner journey, healing comes ever-so-gradually. There is a reality of ‘interior reconciliation’, which in a way helps us integrate different facets of our existence; our strengths and weaknesses, our past, our hurts, our faith, questions, doubts, desires, everything that we are. This enables us to approach other people with more understanding and compassion.
Rev. Ruth Patterson says that “the biggest peace-making journey we will make is within ourselves”. It will entail bringing God’s love and peace to the so-called exiled parts of our inner being, to those areas where we are not at ease, where we know we lack love. Other times we will be invited to bring God’s love to the cracks that sometimes exist between us and other people, in order to heal them and to reconcile. It is almost like finding a precious nard that God put in our inner being, a healing balm of God’s presence, which we can now extend to the whole of our existence, and to those we encounter in our everyday life.
Iva Beranek
Dr Iva Beranek is the Ministry Facilitator for the CMH: Ireland